Home Study & Online Courses

Can't find an EBFA workshop in your area or prefer to further your education in the comfort of your own home? The new EBFA Online Education Division is your solution! Not only do the online courses offer additional means for earning CEC's, but also allow you to reference back and review each course at your own pace.

All courses offered through the EBFA Online Education Division are accredited by some of the top personal training certifying bodies, including ACSM, NFPT, ACE and NASM.

Have an EBFA Online Account? Log in HERE


EBFA Audio Lectures

Barefoot Training for Power & Agility

From heel strike to push-off, our foot dictates the way our body responds and reacts to human movement and athletic performance. The coordinated eccentric and concentric contractions of the foot musculature often dictates the speed, strength and power of an athlete. Learn how to apply barefoot training principles to optimize foot function in the client or athlete that is looking for an advantage. Get ready to take the concept of barefoot training to a whole new level!


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Fascial Tensioning & the Future of Proprioceptive Training

In this 40-minute talk, podiatrist Emily Splichal talks about proprioceptive training by challenging our thinking of joint stability and unstable surface training. You’ll finish this lecture with a new understanding of proprioception, kinesthetic awareness, joint position sense and small nerve barefoot fascial training.

“As we age, we start to lose or get a delayed response to shifts in joint position sense, which is often how we result in falls. The feedback or the connective tissue that provides this joint position sense is the joint capsule, the ligaments, the retinaculum, fascia and myotendinous junction structures as well as the skin.

“What’s important to note is that all of these connective tissues respond to similar stimuli, but they don’t respond at the same rate, and that’s important as well. When we think about the nervous system, proprioception movement and dynamic joint stability, the most important thing that I want you to think about is time.

“How quickly can your nervous system 1) sense that shift, as well as 2) how quickly can your nervous system process it and then respond to it? That’s ultimately how we control dynamic movement. With the nervous system, you want to think ‘time.’ How quickly can your nervous system sense, process and respond? That’s really how you want to design your training.” - Emily Splichal


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Footwear for Fitness & Performance (55 minutes)

In this lecture, podiatrist Emily Splichal discusses footwear, the most current footwear science, and the shoe needs of different sports. She also covers orthotics, minimalist shoes and other footwear topics.

"It's not the shoe that’s absorbing the shock. Dr. Nigg’s research dispelled this myth and showed that impact forces increase as more cushioning is put in shoes. A little counterintuitive, yes, but also true.

Similar studies looked at the level of impact forces of gymnasts—how hard they would land. When a gymnast would land on a softer mat as opposed to a harder mat, the impact forces increased. The same concept applies to shoes. Put more cushioning in shoes, like they did in the 1970s, and we will see an increase in impact forces.

Here’s how it happens: That cushion bottoms out and increases the contact time with the ground. We know it is the amount of contact time that increases the risk of injury. When we work with athletes, our goal is to get them off of the ground as fast as we can. Cushioning the shoes is going to bell out that force curve and will increase the contact time." ~Emily Splichal


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Rethinking Proprioceptive Training (34 minutes)

When asked about ankle stability training, most people think of wobble boards and other forms of balance training. Podiatrist Emily Splichal flips that idea in this discussion of how proprioceptive training works, then provides her suggestions for building a successful ankle stability program.

“The Journal of Athletic Training study showed it took 54 milliseconds for the peroneal muscle proprioceptors—the muscle spindles—to detect the stretch of that inversion ankle moment. It took another 72 milliseconds for the peroneals to reactively contract to try to prevent the ankle sprain.

“The afferent signal took 54 milliseconds. The efferent signal took 72 milliseconds. Together, that’s 126 milliseconds, but guess what? It only takes 80 milliseconds to invert and sprain an ankle. This study and many others showed focusing on peroneal reaction time might not be the best for truly improving functional ankle instability.” - Emily Splichal


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Understanding Impact Forces (30 minutes)

Overuse injuries are commonly associated with the force of impact from the ground, but is there more we should be watching for? And are there ways to mitigate impact force? In this session, podiatrist Emily Splichal explains how to think about impact, and how footwear can help or hurt your clients, athletes and patients.

“Every single one of us, our clients and our patients, use impact forces with every step we take, so regardless of our client’s age and activity level, we need to think about this concept of impact forces and how we can actually start to shape our programming around improving movement efficiency or our perception of impact forces.” - Emily Splichal


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Unleashing the Power of Propulsion (28 minutes)

Emily Splichal has a passion for teaching barefoot training. Her goal in this lecture is to teach you how to integrate corrective exercise techniques or strategies to optimize the propulsive phase of gait in your clients, athletes and patients.

“The key to unleashing the greatest amount of power of propulsion is hidden within the posterior tibialis. The optimal function within the posterior tibialis is linked through ankle joint dorsiflexion, the strength of that posterior tibialis muscle itself and a coupled motion through the hip external rotators.” - Emily Splichal


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CD Courses

Barefoot Balance Training

The only contact point between the body and the ground is the foot - or more specifically the plantar foot. This course will explore the benefits of barefoot science combined with balance training as one of the most effective means for building foot strength, knee alignment and lumbopelvic hip stability. Learn how the plantar foot is the critical step in achieving proximal stability for distal mobility and how the human body is designed to move from the ground up. Are you barefoot strong? Earn CEC's: ASCM, NASM, NFPT plus more!


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ACSM - 3.0
AEA - 3.0
ATRI - 3.0
NASM - 0.3
NCSF - 1.5
NFPT - 0.5
NSPA - 3.0
YMCA - 3.0

Biomechanics of Lower Back Pain

Almost 80% of American adults will suffer low back pain at some point. Interestingly, 70-80% of LBP is associated with musculoskeletal imbalances and improper core activation during everyday movement. Join us as we take a look at the latest research on the biomechanics of low back pain. From the hip to the foot, you will be surprised by how many different imbalances attribute to low back pain. Help your clients get their bodies back in balance and move pain free! Earn CEC's: ASCM, NASM, NFPT plus more!


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ACSM - 4.0
AEA - 3.0
ATRI - 3.0
COPS-KT - 0.4
NASM - 0.4
NCSF - 1.5
NFPT - 0.5
NSPA - 4.0
YMCA - 4.0

Functional Foot & Ankle Level 1

The organized actions of the foot and ankle complex is often overlooked and misunderstood in the fitness industry. This adaptive lever plays a role in every upright action from human locomotion to squats and lunges. With the advancement of the fitness industry and expanding role of the fitness professional there is greater likelihood of encountering a client with foot pathology or foot compensations. To maintain competitive among your colleagues and achieve greatest results with your clients it is imperative to gain an understanding of the role the foot and ankle play in creating and modifying fitness programs.


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ACSM - 3.0
AEA - 3.0
ATRI - 3.0
NASM - 0.3
NCSF - 1.5
NFPT - 0.5
NSPA - 3.0
YMCA - 3.0

EBFA Online Courses

Barefoot Training Specialist® Level 1 Certification

This 10 hour certificate program prepares you for Level 2 & 3 of the EBFA Barefoot Training Specialist® Certification program. Whether a client’s goal is corrective exercise, performance, or weight management, barefoot and foot-specific training can create faster and greater results. Integrate barefoot training into small group and group fitness applications for creativity, challenge, and injury prevention. Use corrective barefoot training for clients and patients with ACL injuries, low back pain, ankle instability, SI joint dysfunction, hip labral injuries, and several other lower extremity difficulties. Explore how barefoot science can enhance the timing of muscle activation patterns and how this directly relates to the prevention of hip, knee, and foot injuries.

Already registered? Log into your account HERE


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ACSM - 10.0
AEA - 10.0
ATRI - 10.
COPS-KT - 1.0
NASM - 1.0
NCSF - 4.5
NFPT - 1.5
NSPA - 10.0
YMCA - 10.0

Barefoot Balance Training

The only contact point between the body and the ground is the foot - or more specifically the plantar foot.   This course will explore the benefits of barefoot science combined with balance training as one of the most effective means for building foot strength, knee alignment and lumbopelvic hip stability.  Learn how the plantar foot is the critical step in achieving proximal stability for distal mobility and how the human body is designed to move from the ground up.  Are you barefoot strong?


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ACSM - 3.0
AEA - 3.0
ATRI - 3.0
NASM - 0.3
NCSF - 1.5
NFPT - 0.5
NSPA - 3.0
YMCA - 3.0

Biomechanics of Lower Back Pain

Almost 80% of American adults will suffer low back pain at some point. Interestingly, 70-80% of LBP is associated with musculoskeletal imbalances and improper core activation during everyday movement. Join us as we take a look at the latest research on the biomechanics of low back pain. From the hip to the foot, you will be surprised by how many different imbalances attribute to low back pain. Help your clients get their bodies back in balance and move pain free!


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ACSM - 4.0
AEA - 3.0
ATRI - 3.0
COPS-KT - 0.4
NASM - 0.4
NCSF - 1.5
NFPT - 0.5
NSPA - 4.0
YMCA - 4.0

The Functional Foot & Ankle Level 1

The organized actions of the foot and ankle complex is often overlooked and misunderstood in the fitness industry. This adaptive lever plays a role in every upright action from human locomotion to squats and lunges. With the advancement of the fitness industry and expanding role of the fitness professional there is greater likelihood of encountering a client with foot pathology or foot compensations. To maintain competitive among your colleagues and achieve greatest results with your clients it is imperative to gain an understanding of the role the foot and ankle play in creating and modifying fitness programs.


Buy Now

ACSM - 3.0
AEA - 3.0
ATRI - 3.0
NASM - 0.3
NCSF - 1.5
NFPT - 0.5
NSPA - 3.0
YMCA - 3.0

EBFA Video Streaming Courses

Barefoot Balance Training

The only contact point between the body and the ground is the foot - or more specifically the plantar foot.   This course will explore the benefits of barefoot science combined with balance training as one of the most effective means for building foot strength, knee alignment and lumbopelvic hip stability.  Learn how the plantar foot is the critical step in achieving proximal stability for distal mobility and how the human body is designed to move from the ground up.  Are you barefoot strong?


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Leaders Points: 1.00
NASM: 0.30 Power
Pilates: 0.50

Barefoot Training for Power & Agility

From heel strike to push-off, our foot dictates the way our body responds and reacts to human movement and athletic performance. The coordinated eccentric and concentric contractions of the foot musculature often dictates the speed, strength and power of an athlete. Learn how to apply barefoot training principles to optimize foot function in the client or athlete that is looking for an advantage. Get ready to take the concept of barefoot training to a whole new level!


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Leaders Points:0.75

The Functional Foot & Ankle Level 1:
Introduction To Biomechanics & Assessment

The organized actions of the foot and ankle complex is often overlooked and misunderstood in the fitness industry. This adaptive lever plays a role in every upright action from human locomotion to squats and lunges. With the advancement of the fitness industry and expanding role of the fitness professional there is greater likelihood of encountering a client with foot pathology or foot compensations. To maintain competitive among your colleagues and achieve greatest results with your clients it is imperative to gain an understanding of the role the foot and ankle play in creating and modifying fitness programs.


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Leaders Points: 1:00
ACSM: 3:00
AEA: 3:00
ATRI: 3:00
NASM: 0.30
NCSF: 1.50
NFPT: 1.00
NSPA: 3.00
Power Pilates 0.50
YMCA 3.00

Movement from the Ground Up

From heel strike to push-off, our foot dictates the way our body responds- and reacts- to every closed chain movement including walking, squatting and jumping. Join Podiatrist and Fitness Expert Dr. Emily as she explores the integrated function and co-activation patterns of the lower extremity - from the ground up. Learn exercises that can reinforce foot function, pelvic stability and hip strength which will translate to improved client results and decreased risk of injury.


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Leaders Points: 1.00
NASM: 0.30
Power Pilates: 0.50

Proprioception: The Sixth Sense of Fitness

Coordinated, precise and fast movements require sensory input to the nervous system. Learn how to train your clients by integrating their sixth sense or proprioceptive system and take your understanding of barefoot training, vibration training and even fascia to a whole new level. Learn the why behind many of your favorite training modalities!


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EBFA Webinar Series

BioHack Your Body: Anti-Aging Secrets for Movement Longevity

Aging. An inevitable aspect of humanity that we cannot stop - however with advances in science there are now many daily rituals we can do which can dramatically slow down the aging process.

Join Podiatrist, Human Movement Specialist and (in training) Fellow in Anti-Aging & Regenerative Medicine Dr Emily Splichal as she explores how we can "hack" our way to a younger self. As a movement specialist her passion lies in the application of anti-aging science as it relates to movement longevity.

The topics covered in this 4 part series cannot be found packaged together as below. This information is invaluable to you, your family and your clients. Do not miss out!

Part 1: Collagen Crosslinks & the Fascial Fountain of Youth

Part 2: The Neurology of Aging & Motor Control

Part 3: Inflammation - Friend or Foe?

Part 4: BioHack Bonuses & The Complete Movement Longevity Program



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Feet, Fascia and Functional Movement

The dynamic control of functional movement is deeply integrated on the body's perception of the outside world.

Join me for this 3 part webinar series as we explore the latest research on how our feet, fascia and functional movement are even more integrated than we currently realize.

From fascial tensioning to fascial elasticity our fascia plays a role in how we perceive, store and transfer forces during dynamic movement. This webinar series will prepare you how to train your clients for more efficient and precise movement.

Video 1 - Fascial Tensioning & the Future of Proprioceptive Training

Learn how small nerve proprioceptive training and stimulation is the future of movement accuracy and performance training.

Video 2 - Fascial Elasticity and the Future of Energy Transfer

Learn how to effectively transfer forces through specific training of fascial elasticity and rhythmic loading via isometric movements.

Video 3 - Foot Function and Fascial Lines

Learn how the plantar foot layers are a fascinating fascial pathway of interconnecting fascial lines which are intended for optimal foot function and human performance.



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The Future of Movement Longevity

This 4 part webinar series focuses on the concept of movement longevity and how we can apply concepts of barefoot science, collagen cross links and the neurology of aging into a program that ensures years of pain-free and efficient movement!

Video 1 - Understanding Impact Forces in a Shod Society 

Learn the science behind impact forces and energy transfer and how shoes, surfaces and orthotics impede our ability to move efficiently. Learn tricks on how to optimize movement in the unnatural environment in which we exist!

Video 2 - The Collagen Crosslink Connection 

As the building blocks to our fascia, tendons and ligaments, collagen health is a necessary part to movement efficiency. Learn how our body forms non-elastic cross links and simple steps which can be taken to protect our collagen health as we age. 

Video 3 - Barefoot Baby Boomers & the Neurology of Aging 

Although most of us focus on protecting our cognitive function as we age, the need to also protect our peripheral nerves is crucial for movement longevity. Learn the best ways to protect your peripheral nerves through diet, vitamin supplementation and barefoot science. 

Video 4 - A Movement Longevity Lifestyle 

Put it all together in a comprehensive program that integrates barefoot activation, smart footwear, fascial fitness and vitamin supplementation.



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NASM - 0.6
ACE - 0.6

Interoception : Controlling Emotion with Motion

Imagine taking the concept of human movement or movement science to a level that you can actually influence your client's emotions.

Join me for this 3 part webinar series that WILL CHANGE YOUR PRACTICE forever. From understanding the EVOLUTION OF EMOTION to the power of MIRRORING on emotion.

Learn how to build a deeper meaning to MIND BODY practice into your sessions and open a whole new pathway to help clients, patients and athletes tap into their primitive emotional system.

Video 1 - Intro to Interoception, Body Brain Axis, Vagal Tone

Video 2 - Evolution of Emotions, Empathy, Flow & Superfluidity

Video 3 - Affective Embodiment, Dance Therapy & Interbodiliy Resonance



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Movement from the Ground Up

In this 4 part webinar series you will learn how barefoot science and foot activation are the foundation to faster stability and efficiency which translates to more functional movement.

Video 1 - Introduction to from the ground up training.

Learn how to improve foot to core sequencing through co-activation patterns, joint coupling and myofascial integration.

Video 2 - Introduction to from the ground up functional movement.

Learn how to assess the walking gait cycle to improve client programming and movement efficiency. 

Video 3 - Introduction to from the ground up movement efficiency.

Learn how to improve movement through faster deceleration, eccentric endurance and better energy storage.

Video 4 - Introduction to from the ground up programming.

Learn through case studies in injury prevention, athletic performance and corrective exercise.


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NASM - 0.6
ACE - 0.6